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Invest TN Kids is a nonprofit organization that is dedicated to helping children from broken homes, those who have suffered traumatic experiences, and those with little financial resources. We offer a wide range of services and opportunities to support these children and their families. Your donation will help us to continue providing these essential services and support to children in need. Thank you for your support!

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Volunteering Opportunities

Working with our organization is a great opportunity for students looking for volunteer hours as well as community members who feel strongly about our mission and values.


We would love to utilize your specific skillset. We welcome any assistance and any opportunity for these kids!

Success Camp

Educating the public is something we will have to do. To do that, we will be taking to social media. Spotlighting our Success Camp members will help us tell our story and create a talking point for others who want to join our fight.


This will be a database of professionals who want to sow into the lives of the kids we work with. Your story can give a traumatized child a reason to hang on and dig deep instead of falling into a pit of despair.

Get Updates

Join us as we work toward transforming the lives of children in east Tennessee. Learn about our plans, find out how you can help, and stay up to speed on our achievements.


If you're interested in the work that our organization does, please subscribe to our monthly email!

Get Involved with InvestTNkids

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