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This will be a database of professionals who want to sow into the lives of the kids we work with.


Fact - If you live with your great-grandmother, you do not get the same opportunities as other children. One of the not-so-obvious ramifications is these kids have nobody to emulate. Every member of Success Camp will be asked to make a video about their work:


"Why do you love what you do? What type of education does your job require? Why are you one of the best in your field? What are the benefits of being good at your job?" Pay, freedom of schedule, time with family, any tidbit about your work that would show a teen or preteen why they should work extra hard to follow in your footsteps. Your story can give a traumatized child a reason to hang on and dig deep instead of falling into a pit of despair.


Educating the public is something we will have to do. Most people are clueless about what happens to a child not living with their parents. Nobody knows that the mental health services available to them are a joke or that it is easier to go to the emergency room than it is to find a pediatrician who has spots open for patients with TennCare, or that most will have to drive over an hour to find a dentist that takes TennCare. To do that, we will be taking to social media. Spotlighting our Success Camp members will help us tell our story, let people know you are a good egg, and create a talking point for others who want to join our fight. You win, and it is a write-off.


One of the benefits of being part of Success Camp is the ability to tell the general public why you love what you do and are good at what you do, and with you doing this as an act of kindness, people will see the real you. That will make a difference when it comes time for someone to choose the professional they need to hire. 

Success Camp

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